Gothic - Horror Themed Custom Tarot Deck

The Gothic-Horror Tarot takes inspiration from the eerie realms of gothic literature and classic horror films, infusing each card with a sense of foreboding, mystery, and macabre beauty. With its haunting imagery and chilling atmosphere, it offers a journey into the shadows of the subconscious mind.

Featuring a complete set of 78 cards,  accompanied by 8 haunting card backs, the Gothic-Horror Tarot presents a total of 86 chilling designs. From ghostly apparitions to sinister landscapes, each card is a window into the darker aspects of the human psyche, inviting users to confront their deepest fears and desires.

Every card in the Gothic-Horror Tarot is meticulously crafted and provided as a high-quality PNG file, ensuring that the intricate details and atmospheric nuances are preserved. Whether printed unframed or framed within ornate borders, the images retain their haunting clarity and evoke a sense of unease and fascination.

Accompanied commercial license provides users with the freedom to share their creations with the world. Whether selling physical tarot decks or incorporating the designs into various physical products, the license grants users the opportunity to turn their passion for tarot and horror into a source of inspiration and income.
Gothic - Horror Themed Custom Tarot Deck